Polytechnic Diploma Result Download latest updates 2020


Disclaimer : Though utmost care has been taken in providing information about result on this web portal, even if in case of any inadvertent error the information provided from Board office will be treated as authentic and final.

Diploma Result & information
27/01/2021 Non Engineering Diploma Result 2019-20 (Special)
24/12/2020 Retotal and answer book viewing result 2019-20 3rd year
17/12/2020 Non Engineering 2019-20 1st year, 2nd year and 3rd year Retotal Revised marks (Remaining No Change)
09/12/2020 UFM / RWH Result Examination Session 2019-20
07/12/2020 View of Answer Book Examination Session 2019-20
12/11/2020 Engineering Diploma Result (3rd year) 2019-20
05/11/2020 Non Engineering Diploma RWH Result Session 2018-19
05/11/2020 Non Engineering Diploma Final Year Result 2019-20 (IInd Year Beauty Culture & IIInd Year)
06/10/2020 Polymer science and rubber technology result 2nd Semester May 2020
06/10/2020 Engineering RWH Result Session 2019-20
29/09/2020 Non-Engineering Previous Year Cleared RWH Result Session 2016-17 2017-182018-19
29/09/2020 Engineering Previous Year Cleared RWH Result Session 2013-2014 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
17/08/2020 Non Engineering Diploma Result 2019-20 (Ist Year and IInd Year (Except Beauty Culture IInd Year)
30/07/2020 Engineering Diploma Result (Fasion designing and Hotel Management) 2019-20 2nd Year
30/07/2020 Engineering Diploma Result (Fasion designing and Hotel Management) 2019-20 1st Year
30/07/2020 Engineering Diploma Result (2nd year) 2019-20
30/07/2020 Engineering Diploma Result (1st Year) 2019-20
05/03/2020 Retotaling and View of answer book Result Examination Session 18-19(Special)
26/02/2020 Date to view the Answer Book Exam Session 2018-19(Special)
05/02/2020 Engineering Diploma Result 3rd Year Examination Session 18-19 (Special)
05/12/2019 Retotaling and View of answer book Result Examination Session 18-19
28/11/2019 Last Chance Date to View the Answer Book (Absent Student in Previous Dates) Exam. Session 2018-19 is 03/12/2019
28/11/2019 Date to View the Answer Book (RWH Centre) Student Session 2018-19 is 03/12/2019
16/11/2019 Retotaling Result Examination Session 2018-19
21/11/2019 Previous Year Cleared RWH Result Session 2014-15,2015-16,2016-17,2017-18,2018-19
16/11/2019 Retotaling Result Examination Session 2018-19
04/11/2019 Non Engineering Diploma Result 2018-19 (Special)
04/11/2019 UFM / RWH Result Examination Session 2018-19
12/10/2019 View of Answer Book Result Examination Session 2018-19
14/09/2019 Engineering Diploma Result (Fashion Dsign & Hotel Management) 2018-19 1st Year & 2nd Year
14/09/2019 Engineering Diploma Result (3rd year) 2018-19 (RWH)2013-14 | 2014-15| 2015-16 | 2016-17 | 2017-18
14/09/2019 Engineering Diploma Result (2nd year) 2018-19
09/09/2019 Engineering Diploma Result (3rd year) 2018-19
09/09/2019 Engineering Diploma Result (1st Year) 2018-19
14/08/2019 Polymer science and rubber technology result for 2nd Semester May 2019
28/06/2019 Non Engineering Diploma Result 18-19
16/04/2019 Polymer science and rubber technology result for 1st and 3rd Semester November
29/01/2019 Answer book viewing / Retotaling Result III Year Special exam 17-18 (Remaining no change)
10/12/2018 Engg result Previous year clear 2015-2016

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